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Intro: 2014 Top10 Watch List
In the past year there has been some good news for the heritage community. On December 4, 2013, Vancouver City Council approved the Heritage Action Plan to update the city’s existing Heritage Conservation program. The Plan identified a total of 14 action items some...
1. Hollywood Theatre: Community cultural spaces
The Hollywood Theatre is a precious community landmark built in 1935-36. This intact Art Deco theatre is important for its unique interior and exterior architectural features and its use as a community cultural space. It is one of our last intact neighborhood...
2. First Shaughnessy – the push is on: The Fleck Mansion & other estate houses are on the ropes
With the upcoming review of the effectiveness of the 1982 First Shaughnessy Overall Development Plan, requests for demolitions are piling up at City Hall. Architects are targeting the pre-date (1940) revered and treasured houses, in an attempt to get demolition...