A Letter from Heritage Vancouver
April 1, 2020

Dear friends,
We hope everyone is keeping well as we navigate the impacts of the Covid-19 virus. We know that many of us are focused on the ins and outs of the pandemic and how we can keep ourselves healthy and our lives manageable.
Like everyone else, we as an organization have undertaken measures to help prevent the spread of the virus. To that end we have suspended public events and transitioned to working from home.
We also realize that as we settle into the practice of physical distancing, we need to encourage social interaction and maintain connection to our interests. To that end we plan to continue providing updates on our website, social media and e-bulletin newsletter.
It is understandable that heritage may not seem relevant during this difficult time. But as a way to keep a sense of community, it is as relevant as ever, if not more so. We at Heritage Vancouver believe we must remember that at its roots heritage is about our common life, our connection to the rhythms of our neighbourhoods and city, and the bonds between us. It is an expression of our seemingly simple routines that connect us to the places and people in our daily lives.
It can be easy to mistake heritage for a practice that ignores the significance of the present. But it would be wrong to think this for we all create heritage each moment and envision it in the future. It is our actions today, the way we inspire empathy and togetherness, cultivate resilience, and act on ways that add to our lives and communities that will retain meaning in the future. We must keep in mind that we are creating heritage in the now.
We encourage you to reflect on your experiences today and in the past. To bring to fore what is important to you and your community now, to reflect when passing by places that are familiar and meaningful to you, to dwell on the quotidian moments that surround you every day: the din of schoolchildren on the playground, food adventures and discoveries, giving up or receiving a seat on the bus, overhearing witty retorts, or your reaction to the lineup for overpriced popcorn at the movies.
In recent weeks, we have been reminded how vulnerable and strong our neighbourhoods and communities can be. We have seen communities come together to support one another over safety, health and family, giving reason to hope that these enhanced communal bonds will outlast this crisis and position us all to work through the challenges of our city with greater cooperation, collaboration, creativity, kindness, and empathy.
We appreciate your time with us and look forward to engaging with everyone in the near future through the programs we are developing to discuss and reflect on heritage.
With public health in mind, we continue to follow the guidance provided by our public health authorities. Please do the same to limit the spread and help slow the advance of the virus.
Javier Campos, President
Michael Schwartz, Vice President
Bill Yuen, Executive Director