Heritage Vancouver Fundraiser & Social: Tickets on sale now!
Tickets are on sale for the Heritage Vancouver Fundraiser & Social. The event is all about communities, and we invite all of you to be there with us.
The Fundraiser & Social takes place on Saturday April 15 at the Roundhouse*, which is accessible by various modes of transit and is located close to the Yaletown-Roundhouse Station. The venue is fully wheelchair accessible.
At the event, the Heritage Vancouver Board will share with you the organization’s focus, programming and initiatives from the recent past and for 2023. The Heritage Vancouver update is followed by presentations by guest speakers (to be announced).
There will be coffee & tea, delicious canapes by Nuba, tasty beers by Terminal City Brewing, Jazzy tunes by Atlin Morgan, and more!
Click here for tickets ($15/$25).
*This is a Rental at the Roundhouse event.