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1. Chinatown: Historic Urban Landscapes

1. Chinatown: Historic Urban Landscapes

Chinatown was on our Watch List in 2016, and the National Trust for Canada Top 10 Endangered Places. Chinatown National Historic Site is a unique urban cultural landscape that is increasingly at risk of losing its unique area character and special cultural / social...
3. David Lloyd George Elementary School

3. David Lloyd George Elementary School

In 2016, Vancouver School Board (VSB) made a decision to demolish another historic school, Sir Sanford Fleming School, in favour of replacement by a new school. Which school is next on the hit list? David Lloyd George Elementary School (8370 Cartier Street) is a...
4. Celtic Shipyards

4. Celtic Shipyards

Celtic Shipyards (7520 Balaclava Street, in Southlands) is the last industrial site in Vancouver that retains buildings from the historic ship repair industry that supported the fishing industry – historically one of the city’s greatest economic drivers. The site...
5. Simon Fraser Elementary School Annex

5. Simon Fraser Elementary School Annex

In February 2017, City Council approved a rezoning of parts of the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area to new I-1A and 1-1B (Industrial) zones, in order to support and enable the intensification of digital and technology uses by increasing maximum floor space area ratio...
6. Sinclair Centre

6. Sinclair Centre

The Federal Government is interested in the relocation of their Vancouver offices and staff into one hub, and has been exploring site options, including an intensification of Sinclair Centre, also known as ‘Block 15’, located at Hastings, Granville, Howe, and Cordova...