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8. West End Housing: Historic Houses and Apartments Facing Demolition Risk
The renewed pressure to develop more housing in the historic West End is increasing the threat to replace low-rise heritage buildings with higher density rental and condominium buildings. The City’s introduction of the Short Term Incentives for Rental Housing...
9. Grandview: a Historic and Contemporary Neighbourhood
In 2012, the City of Vancouver began the development of a new Grandview Woodlands Community Plan that will impact the future of the Grandview neighbourhood’s heritage resources. Heritage Vancouver is involved with the Plan and will participate in charting a...
10. Downtown Granville Street (800-1200 Blocks): Low-scale Character Under Threat
The unique, low-scale character of the historic Granville streetscape continues to be threatened from development pressures and a desire to “clean up” the area. A number of Victorian and Edwardian buildings are up for sale. The current zoning, which was...