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10. Commercial Drive: Grandview’s main street
Commercial Drive has evolved over the years into a street that is an interesting mixture of textures, tastes, cultures and activities. It is outstanding not only for its significant heritage buildings but also for its sense of place, experience and uniqueness. As...
Introduction – 2013 Top10 Watch List
13th Annual Heritage Vancouver Society Top10 Watch List Once again, a landmark of our postwar modernist heritage is threatened, and the VanDusen Gardens Forest Education Centre is at the top of our 2013 list. Recognized as an architectural masterpiece when it opened...
1. Forest Education Centre (1976) – VanDusen Botanical Garden
The building known as the Forest Education Centre is a modernist masterpiece lost in the forest of an untended section of VanDusen Garden. Built in 1976, it was originally known as MacMillan-Bloedel Place, named for its donor, the largest forestry company in what was...