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5. South Vancouver High School – A memory in the community
The history of South Vancouver High School is associated with four generations of school buildings, Lord Selkirk, 1750 East 22 Avenue, Sir Sandford Fleming at 1401 East 49th Avenue, the “Barn” building at John Oliver High School, and the postwar John Oliver High...
6. Firehall No. 5 – Modernist firehalls
[Update – FIrehall No. 5 has been demolished] The City’s current plan is to replace Firehall No. 5 (1952) located at 3090 East 54th at Kerr with a new facility incorporating social housing. This is symptomatic of a general lack of consideration for the heritage value...
7. World War One Memorials – Lest we forget
2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the “Great War.” More than 600,000 Canadians served during this war, putting their lives on the line and altering the course of Canadian and world history. After Armistice in 1918, monuments commemorating the lives...