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+ Media Reports Create a Threat to Important Heritage Home
Wilmar (Willard Kitchen Residence)
2050 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC
Built 1925 | Architects: Benzie & Bow
Architectural style: Tudor Revival
Vancouver Heritage Register: B-listed
Heritage Vancouver wishes to clarify the alarmist and misleading statements expressed in the media related to Wilmar, the Kitchen Residence, a Heritage Register "B" building located at 2050 SW Marine Drive. These statements have portrayed a very negative situation that could threaten the survival of this very important heritage site, without any corresponding coverage of factual information that presents an entirely different point of its financial and heritage value.
There is no evidence that backs up the claims that it will cost up to $5 million to bring the house "up to code." This unfounded number is the basis for stating that the "house will have to be demolished." If there is no change in use, and it is retained as a single-family dwelling, there is no requirement for this level of building code upgrading. There will be deferred maintenance and renovation costs, but this figure of $5 million bears no reality to the solid condition of the house. Other opinions on the asking price consider it inflated, which could explain why there have been to date no "serious' offers" to purchase the house.
There has been no public discussion about how this heritage house can be retained. There may be subdivision potential to the property that could be realized through a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA), which would ensure that it is economically viable to retain Wilmar in its current situation.
In summation, any claims in the media that this house will have to be demolished are completely unjustified. Wilmar is an outstanding example of an early Vancouver home that could be retained through a negotiated development and the use of heritage incentives.

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Event Fundraiser: Evening at the Marine Building Penthouse (1930)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | 5:30pm to 8pm
Tickets: $100.00 donation to Heritage Vancouver Society (Tax receipts issued)
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Annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour
Saturday, May 5, 2012 | 1pm to 5pm
Tickets: $30.00; Heritage Vancouver Members $25.00
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