Heritage update
Public hearings involving heritage properties/issues
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Public Hearings, Vancouver City Hall
Monday, September 19, 2011; 6pm
Three public hearings will be held on Monday, September 19th that involve heritage issues listed below.
Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed by-law amendments may speak at the Public Hearing. Please register individually before 3:30pm, September 19 by calling 604 873 7269. You may also register in person at the door between 5:30 and 6pm before the hearing. You may submit comments by e-mail: mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca.
Correspondence received by the City Clerk's Office will be distributed to Mayor and Council at the Public Hearing. Copies of the draft by-laws will be available for viewing starting September 9 at the City Clerk's Department in City Hall.
Advancing Deconstruction in Vancouver
and Supporting By-Law Amendments
There is a proposal to amend sections 5.7 and 10.12 of the Zoning and Development By-law to allow, in the case of deconstruction of one- and two-family dwellings, a building permit to deconstruct to be issued in advance of a development permit; and to make consequential amendments to the Vancouver Building By-law to support deconstruction and support compliance with existing waste disposal regulations.
Heritage Vancouver is concerned that this will not allow adequate consideration for heritage character sites and for sites not yet identified on the Vancouver Heritage Register. We are requesting that monitoring procedures be put in place – similar to Laneway Houses – and that the impact of this policy be closely monitored.
> Our letter to Vancouver City Council (PDF)
The Jeffs Residence (1907-08)
1298 Salsbury Drive
The Heritage Revitalization Agreement that will preserve the historic Jeffs Residence will be held on Monday, September 19, 2011. With the retention of this building, an important piece of Grandview Woodlands history and heritage will remain for future generations.
Proposes to move The Jeffs Residence to the south-west corner of the site and rehabilitate it. The front verandah will be reinstituted, and surviving elements repaired and retained where viable. The building is proposed to be converted into a number of suites and the remainder of the site developed with townhouse development, including an underground parking structure.
Heritage Vancouver supports the Agreement that will preserve this heritage building.
> Rezoning application
> Our letter to Vancouver City Council (PDF)
Robertson Memorial Presbyterian Church (1908)
1795 Napier Street (at Salsbury)
A proposal to designate the existing heritage building as protected heritage property, and to seek Council's approval of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement which will permit modifications proposed for the heritage, and construction of a new townhouse and a one-family dwelling.
The building, which is entirely wood, was constructed by the BC Mills Company in prefabricated sections, the joints covered with battens. The building is valued as the last surviving BC Mills church in Vancouver and as a representation of the evolution of the local timber construction industry. The proposal is to remove the southern wing and a storage structure on the west side, convert the church into three dwelling units, rehabilitate and protect it, and to develop the balance of the site with new development (primarily townhouses).
Heritage Vancouver supports the retention of the original portion of this unique BC Mills prefab church.
> Development application
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