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Talk: Preserving Modernist Buildings in Vancouver – How well are we doing?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
6:45pm to 9:00pm
Location: The Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St.
No advance registration required. Registration 6:45pm, Presentations 7:00pm
Heritage Vancouver Members free; Non-members $5;

Heritage Vancouver welcomes guest speakers, UBC University Architect Gerry McGeough, Modernist Architecture Writer John Mendoza, and Internationally Known Artist Gregg Simpson, for two fascinating presentations on different approaches to the preservation of distinctive Modernist Architecture in Vancouver.
The evening begins with a presentation by Gregg Simpson and John Mendoza on the award-winning buildings, designed in the 1940's and 1950's by Gregg's father's office, Semmens and Simpson. We will find out why, one of these buildings, the Collingwood Public Library is on Heritage Vancouver's 2011 Top Ten Endangered List. We will also discover the impact of the unfortunate modifications to another Semmens and Simpson Modern Building, the former Main Library building in downtown Vancouver.
In contrast, Gerry McGeough in his presentation will outline some the successes in preserving and updating UBC's mid-century modern buildings in the context of the UBC Renew Program. This laudable UBC Program was recognized as one of Heritage Vancouver's Success Stories at last year's annual Garden Party.
Credits: 2.0 AIBC core learning units; 2.0 PIBC CPD
For further info, contact events@heritagevancouver.org
Additional information
Works of Douglas Colborne Simpson
> www.greggsimpson.com/content/gsimpson/DCSimpson.htm
UBC Renew Program
> www.sustain.ubc.ca/pdfs/ubcrenew.pdf
Photo credits:
Frederic Wood Theatre, UBC, 1963; Photo Selwyn Pullan
Thompson Berwick and Pratt, Roy Jessiman Partner-in-charge, Barry Downs Designer
Header image: B. C. Binning, 'Ships and Tower'
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