Heritage Vancouver - Bulletin

Heritage Vancouver Events

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Heritage Vancouver’s – A Victorian Christmas Party

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Location: Roedde House Museum, 1415 Barclay Street
Admission: There is no admission for this event

You are invited to attend Heritage Vancouver’s annual Christmas Party at the historic 1893 Roedde House Museum. Come and celebrate the season with the HVS Board, members, volunteers, donors and friends in this superb West End house museum, operated by the Roedde House Preservation Society, decorated for a Victorian style Christmas. We ask you to come bring your favourite appetizer or dessert to share and join in the festivities of the season. Adding to the atmosphere, Charles Barber will be tickling the ivories on the parlour piano.

We'll also have local writer Lisa Smedman, who'll have her two recent books available for sale, "Vancouver: Stories of a City" and "Immigrants: Stories of Vancouver's People". Donald Luxton's book will also be available, "Building the West: The Early Architects of British Columbia", currently in it's second edition, and has received numerous awards.

Roedde House Museum: www.roeddehouse.org

Book info/links:
Vancouver, Stories of a City
Immigrants: Stories of Vancouver’s People
Building the West: Early Architects of BC

Thank you for your support!

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Heritage Vancouver Society
PO Box 3336, Main Post Office, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3Y3
604 254-9411 info@heritagevancouver.org

Creating a Future for Heritage – Heritage Vancouver encourages the community to preserve, restore, and appreciate Vancouver’s heritage structures.