Heritage Updates & Events for Aug 27 2010
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+ Education, Seismic Renewal and Heritage Preservation
+ Heritage Canada Foundation’s “2010 Top Ten Endangered Places”
+ Heritage Vancouver Success Story – UBC Renew
+ Upcoming Walking Tours
+ September Program
+ Annual General Meeting & Reception
+ Education, Seismic Renewal and Heritage Preservation
With the new school year just around the corner, we are hoping for a new Vancouver School Board approach to the seismic renewal of its heritage schools. We welcome a comprehensive plan for seismic renewal, which according to The Minister of Education, the Vancouver School Board is completing in October of this year. In the past the lack of a plan has meant that we have had no choice but to deal with each school as it arose-never knowing where the next potential demolition was going to occur.
This edition also features the Heritage Canada Foundation’s “2010 Top Ten Endangered Places” including Vancouver Schools. The preservation of our Heritage Schools is Heritage Vancouver’s #1 priority this year. We encourage you to contact the School Board and ask what they have planned for your neighbourhood school. Strong community involvement is the best way to ensure our heritage treasures are preserved.
Our Heritage Success Story for this edition focuses on how UBC has seismically upgraded several buildings within the province's funding formula and the same time retained the building’s heritage and character. This is just one example the Vancouver School Board could look to when planning for seismic renewal and heritage preservation of its schools.
+ Heritage Canada Foundation’s
“2010 Top Ten Endangered Places”
Link to Heritage Canada Foundation's list with photos (PDF):
Canada’s Lighthouses — Department of Fisheries and Oceans decision to declare virtually all its lighthouses surplus emasculates the new Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act
Kitsilano Senior Secondary and Vancouver schools, Vancouver — Provincial seismic upgrade funding is being used to replace rather than upgrade historic schools—a seismic shakedown
Calgary Brewing and Malting Co., Calgary — four of the site’s oldest buildings threatened with demolition with no redevelopment plan in place
Warehouse District, Winnipeg — unrivalled turn-of-the-century concentration of buildings succumbing to parking lots and megaprojects
Views of Ontario Legislative Assembly Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto — a massive precedent-setting condo tower project will erase iconic silhouette
Lansdowne Park, Ottawa — massive redevelopment project incompatible with heritage of 142-year-old park — selling a public legacy short
Porter/McKinley Block, Ridgetown, Ontario — a designated heritage landmark—a case of demolition by neglect
Redpath Mansion, Montréal — last vestige of city’s famed Square Mile is hovering on the brink of collapse
“Company Houses” of Industrial Cape Breton, N.S. — the once prolific workers cottages are suffering from neglect, abandonment, and vandalism
St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Portugal Cove-St. Phillip’s, NL — the 115-year-old “Church By The Sea” in need of salvation

Above: Kitsilano Secondary School, links to photo on our Flickr photostream
Right: Kits Secondary in 1927 (VPL 4628)
+ Heritage Vancouver Success Story – UBC Renew
Heritage Vancouver would like to recognize the University of British Columbia for the vision and leadership it has demonstrated with the UBC Renew program. Through UBC Renew, the University has shown how it is possible to combine sound fiscal planning, safety, and heritage preservation.
The UBC Renew program has resulted in the rehabilitation and seismic upgrading of several heritage and non-heritage buildings at UBC’s Point Grey Campus. Approximately 90,000 metres of building space has been rehabilitated for buildings ranging in age from 40 to 80 years old. Examples of successful rehabilitations include the Sauder School of Business (Acton Ostry Architects), the Chemistry Building (Henriquez Partners Architects), the Friedman Building (Buchanan Buildings) (Busby Perkins+Will). Not only were these heritage buildings preserved, they were upgraded to meet today’s learning needs, be more sustainable, meet seismic stability codes, and reduce annual deferred maintenance costs.
The University of British Columbia is commended for recognizing the value of its heritage structures and how they enrich the University’s community for students, staff, faculty, and residents. The Architectural firms Acton Ostry Architects, Henriquez Partners Architects and Busby Perkins+Will are commended for their excellence in heritage restoration architecture.

View the photo set from the UBC Renew project on our Flickr photostream.

Above link: UBC Renew presentation, on our Flickr stream Photo below:
Dr. Nancy Knight representing UBC was recognized for the UBC Renew Program at Heritage Vancouver's Annual Garden Party. Seen here from left to right, Vancouver City Councilor, Suzanne Anton, Member of Parliament for Quadra, Joyce Murray, Heritage Vancouver President, Donald Luxton, Associate Vice-President, Campus and Community Planning, UBC, Dr. Nancy Knight, Vancouver City Councilor, Heather Deal, and Vancouver Mayor, Gregor Robertson
You can read more about the success of the UBC Renew program at:
Success Stories
Throughout the year, Heritage Vancouver will be celebrating the following Success Stories that originally appeared on Heritage Vancouver's Top Ten Endangered Lists over the past 10 years:
The Beatty Street Drill Hall (1899-1901)
The Evergreen Building (1980)
The Flack Block (1899)
The First Church of Christ, Scientist (1918)
The Heatley Block (1931)
The Nicol House (1913)
The Salt Building (1931)
UBC Renew
The Wing Sang Building (1889/1901)
The Wooden Roller Coaster (1958)
+ Upcoming Walking Tours
Walking Tour: Visite guidée du quartier financier de Vancouver
Saturday, September 11, 2010 | 10:00am to 12:00pm
Non-members $15; Heritage Vancouver Members $10
Note - this tour is offered only in French
Info + Online tickets
Walking Tour: Mole Hill Community –
Mixed-Income Living in Renovated Heritage Houses
Saturday, Sept 18, 2010 | 10:00am to 12:00pm
Non-members $15; Heritage Vancouver Members $10
Info + Online tickets
+ September Program
A Conversation with Brent Toderian about Heritage in Vancouver
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Time: 6:45pm to 9:00pm | Registration at 6:45pm; Conversation 7:00pm
Location: The Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St.
Admission: $5; Heritage Vancouver members free
Heritage Vancouver once again welcomes Brent Toderian, Director of Planning for the City of Vancouver for our annual review of heritage priorities over the past year and a preview of the city’s heritage priorities for 2011. We work closely with the City of Vancouver to find solutions for the preservation of our heritage structures and 2010 has been no exception.
Discussions over the past year included historic theatres, heritage schools, the Bloedel Conservatory, the Green Renovation Bylaw, height in historic areas, the Heritage Density Bank and heritage incentives.
This evening is your opportunity to participate with Brent in a conversation on an array of heritage topics. Join us in this stimulating conversation and bring along a topic that is of interest to you.
+ Annual General Meeting & Reception
Mark Your Calendar for October 21st, 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Join Heritage Vancouver at the Museum of Vancouver on Thursday, October 21st for our Annual General Meeting and Reception. This year’s AGM which begins at 6:30pm will be governed by new bylaws passed at our 2009 AGM. A copy of the bylaws is linked below for your information. All members in good standing as of October 21st are entitled to vote at the AGM.
If you are interested in sitting on Heritage Vancouver Society’s Board, please contact our Executive Director, Janet Leduc janet@heritagevancouver.org for information.
View/download the new bylaws (PDF, 82k)
We welcome members, friends, supporters and anyone interested in finding out more about Heritage Vancouver to our reception from 7:00pm – 9:00 pm. The evening is an opportunity to mix and mingle with old friends and colleagues while enjoying a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception. We look forward to seeing you at our AGM which is always a fun time and a great social event.
Thank you for your support!
Bulletins: SIGN-UP to receive, or view all previous bulletins at: www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins.html
All upcoming events at www.heritagevancouver.org
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