Upcoming Events - Sept. to Dec.
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September 24: Saving the Pennsylvania Hotel
October 4: Walking Tour of Maillardville (in French only)
October 15: Annual General Meeting & Reception
October 26: Robert Fung’s Gastown — Tour and Reception
November 19: Riverview — A Wealth of Heritage Buildings and Landscapes
December 3: A Victorian Christmas Party
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Location: The Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St
Admission: Free
Heritage Vancouver and the Vancouver Historical Society are pleased to present a joint presentation focused on the recent restoration and the history of the Pennsylvania Hotel (1906) located at 412 Carrall St. in Vancouver. We welcome speakers Mitch Sakumoto, architect with Merrick Architecture who will tell us about the restoration of this five storey hotel and Tom LaViolette with the Portland Hotel Society who will recount the history of the hotel in the context of the neighbourhood.
Opened in 1906, The Pennsylvania Hotel, originally the Woods Hotel, was an opulent establishment featuring many modern advancements including an electric elevator. The hotel has had a long history culminating in the restoration to its previous glory with 44 suites all fully occupied by previously homeless residents. The Pennsylvania is a provincially designated heritage building.
2.0 AIBC Core LUs | 2.0 PIBC LUs of Organized CPD
Dimanche, le 4 octobre, 2009 | de 10 h à midi
Guide : Le chroniqueur historique de Radio-Canada, Maurice Guibord
Où : Au Carré Héritage, devant le Musée Mackin House, au carrefour de l’av. Brunette et la rue King Edward. (Coquitlam)
Admission : 15 $, membre de Heritage Vancouver 10 $
NOTE: This tour is offered only in French
Venez explorer les rues du quartier qui fut jadis la plus grande communauté francophone à l’ouest de Saint-Boniface. Vous entendrez comment les ouvriers francophones de la Fraser Mills créèrent cette nouvelle communauté au début des années 1910, et vous verrez ce que firent les nouveaux arrivés afin de préserver leur culture et leur identité.
On se penchera sur l’architecture des maisons originales, ainsi que sur le futur de cette trame urbaine en pleine évolution. Ce sera NOTRE façon de célébrer les 100 ans de Maillardville.
• Reservations : info@heritagevancouver.org
• Paiement en ligne : Cliquez ici pour payer via Paypal
Monday, October 26, 2009
Time: 5:30pm to 9:00pm
Location: Meet at Gassy Jack’s Statue, Maple Tree Square
Tickets: $100 (tax receipt issued)
Heritage Vancouver invites you to join Robert Fung, the President of the Salient Group, for a personal guided tour of his Water Street and Maple Tree Square projects – the Alhambra, the Garage, the Cordage, the Grand, and the Terminus. This is a unique opportunity to see the interior of some of these buildings and experience how Robert’s work is transforming Maple Tree Square and Water Street, Vancouver’s historic birthplace. Project architect Mark Ostry, of Acton Ostry Architects, will provide a detailed look at how his architectural ideas shaped the final building designs. Heritage consultant Donald Luxton, of Donald Luxton & Associates Inc., will provide historic background information and discuss the restoration of the buildings. Scot Hein, senior urban designer with the City of Vancouver, will provide an overview of the City’s plans for Maple Tree Square.
Robert Fung has a passion for redeveloping and reinterpreting heritage buildings for modern, urban life and for reviving old neighbourhoods as vibrant and integrated communities. Following the tour there will be an opportunity to talk with Robert about his vision and how these projects contribute to the revitalization of Gastown, to the City, to the local economy, to the tourism industry, and to the future of Old Vancouver.
This event is of particular interest to architects, developers, planners, decision makers and people who are passionate about the future of Gastown.
The event begins in the Heart of Old Vancouver at Gassy Jack’s Statue on Maple Tree Square and ends with a private reception at the Canvas Lounge at Powell and Columbia. Canvas, a world class, full service venue for special events, is located in the historic City Hotel which was built in stages between 1905 and 1912.
$100 includes the tour, conversation, and a private reception with hors d'oeuvres and a sampling of wines in the Canvas Lounge. All proceeds from this fundraising event go to support the preservation of Vancouver’s built heritage.
Registration & Tickets:
• Purchase early, as space is limited, so don't miss out on this unique opportunity
• Online Payment: Click here to pay using Paypal or
• Cheque: Made out to Heritage Vancouver Society, PO Box 3336, Main Post Office, Vancouver, BC V6B 3Y3. Please ensure the mailed payment reaches us early enough, and send us an e-mail, so we can hold your spot until your cheque arrives.
3.0 AIBC Core LUs
For more information: info@heritagevancouver.org
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm (AGM 7pm; Reception 7:30pm)
Location: The Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St
Admission: There is no admission for this event and visitors are welcome to attend
Heritage Vancouver’s annual General Meeting will be held in the Joyce Walley Centre at the Vancouver Museum. Following the meeting and the election of the Board of Directors, enjoy a presentation by President Donald Luxton. Donald will review the events of the year and introduce exciting new initiatives for the upcoming year. The evening is an opportunity to mix and mingle with old friends and colleagues while enjoying a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception.
We would like to thank our community sponsors The Cambie Malones Group and Donald Luxton & Associates Inc for generously sponsoring the reception.
Our community sponsors:

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm; Registration at 7pm; Conversation 7:15pm
Location: The Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St
Admission: $5; Heritage Vancouver members free
Heritage Vancouver welcomes Sue Haberger, Director, Riverview Horticultural Centre Societyand Donald Luxton, President of Heritage Vancouver who will make a joint presentation on Riverview, its grounds and buildings. The evening will include a short video, "For the Future of Riverview", as well as a visual presentation that provides a sense of both the magnificence and regional heritage value of this special site, located in Coquitlam.
The Riverview Lands are comprised of 244 acres on a hillside overlooking the Fraser River and the Coquitlam River floodplain. The site houses five grand concrete buildings constructed between 1913 and 1930 to serve as a hospital for the mentally ill, and dozens of other significant structures. It is beautifully terraced and landscaped in the style of England's Kew Gardens and contains an important collection of over 1,800 species trees, some of which have stood for a century. It also boasts striking half-timbered cottages, a cemetery, and Finnie's Heritage Garden. The patients of the hospital provided the labour to clear the land and create this special place.
Val Adolph wrote in 'The Riverview Lands': "We reflect with humility that these people, rejected by the society of the day and who were, in the language of the time, "put away in an institution", are the ones who have given us this treasure."
Riverview is owned by the Provincial Government, and over the years there have been a number of plans for the redevelopment of the site, none of which have been realized. As the hospital is currently down-sizing, there has been great controversy over suggestions that the site should be turned over for market housing. What does the future hold for Riverview? Join us on November 19th for an exciting discussion about this unique site.
2.0 AIBC Core LUs | 2.25 PIBC LUs of Organized CPD
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Location: Roedde House Museum, 1415 Barclay Street
Admission: There is no admission for this event
You are invited to attend Heritage Vancouver’s annual Christmas Party at Roedde House Museum. Come and celebrate the season with members, volunteers, donors and friends in this West End historic house decorated in authentic Victorian style. Local heritage authors, Chuck Davis, Eve Lazarus, Donald Luxton and Lisa Smedman will have their books for sale; local heritage artist Jo Scott-B will have Christmas cards depicting heritage for sale.
This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a Christmas gift or a unique Christmas card for that special person. There is no charge, and we ask you to bring your favourite appetizer or dessert to share.
Thank you for your support!
• Bulletins: Sign-up or view all previous bulletins at: www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins.html
• All upcoming events at www.heritagevancouver.org
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