Upcoming – Summer Walking Tours
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July 19: Walking Tour – Commercial Dr. & Grandview
August 5: Walking Tour – Chinatown: Then & Now
August 15: Walking Tour – East End History Stroll
September 17: A Conversation with Brent Toderian
October 15: Annual General Meeting & Reception
December 3: A Victorian Christmas Party
Sunday, July 19, 2009 | 10:00am to 12:00pm
Tour Leader: Bruce Mcdonald
Location: Meet at my house, 1730 William Street, just east off Commercial Drive near Grandview Park
Tickets: $15.00; $10.00 Heritage Vancouver members
Reserve early, as tour is limited to 30 people
Why is Commercial Drive one of Vancouver’s most popular neighbourhoods for people to visit, shop, relax or live in? In 2008 the ‘Drive’ won 33 of the Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver Awards.
It began as one of Vancouver’s first streetcar villages, established before the automobile and now contains a variety of heritage buildings, including 1910 mansions next door to one-room houses. It has a unique ethnic history as the home of Little Italy and other Latin groups, and today has an amazing variety of ethnic restaurants.
It is perhaps the most diverse neighbourhood in a diverse city. It can probably claim to be the most left-wing and the most radical neighbourhood in Vancouver, the home of car-free days and coffee culture, but was ‘the Drive’ really ranked by Utne Reader as one of North America’s 15 hippest neighbourhoods? Come for a stroll with me through my neighbourhood, where I have lived for the last 20 years, and where I wrote my book “Vancouver: A Visual History,” in a 1908 heritage house.
Registration & Tickets:
• Reserve early, as tour is limited to 30 people
• To register or for more info: info@heritagevancouver.org
• Click here to pay using Paypal or
• Pre-register then arrive by 9:45am and pay before the tour starts

1.00 CPD Learning Units for PIBC Members (Organized/Structured)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 | 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Tour Leader: Larry Wong
Location: Meet in front of the Millennium Gate on the south side of Pender Street
Tickets: $15.00; $10.00 Heritage Vancouver members
Reserve early, as tour is limited to 30 people
Join Larry Wong who was born and raised in Chinatown as he takes you on an intimate tour of his neighbourhood. Find out how the World’s Narrowest Building came to be, visit the original site of the CPR Roundhouse before it was moved to Yaletown and find out the history of several heritage buildings such as the Chinese Freemasons and the Yip Sang building built in 1889.
Learn how a citizen’s group prevented the demolition of the Strathcona area and a proposed freewaywhich would have endangered Chinatown as we know it today. After the tour, those who are interested will head to Foo's Ho Ho on Pender for some old style Chinese cuisine.
Larry Wong is a Public Historian of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of B.C. and the Vice-President of the Vancouver Historical Society.
Registration & Tickets:
• Reserve early, as tour is limited to 30 people
• To register or for more info: info@heritagevancouver.org
• Click here to pay using Paypal or
• Pre-register then arrive by 4:15pm and pay before the tour starts

1.00 CPD Learning Units for PIBC Members (Organized/Structured)
Saturday, August 15, 2009 | 10:00am to 12:00pm
Tour Leader: James Johnstone
Location: Meet in front Tosi’s Italian Food Import Company at 624 Main Street (between Keefer and East Georgia)
Tickets: $15.00; $10.00 Heritage Vancouver members
Reserve early, as tour is limited to 30 people
The neighbourhood today known as Strathcona was home to Vancouver’s first ethnic enclaves. Whether it was Little Italy, Blacks in Hogan's Alley, Japan Town, the Jewish neighbourhood, even a Newfie enclave, they all started here.
Strathcona-based house history researcher and neighbourhood heritage activist James Johnstone has spent the last decade researching the history of over 700 Vancouver houses, 250 of which are in his East End neighbourhood.
Join Heritage Vancouver on a stroll through the streets and alleys of Vancouver’s first neighbourhood as James shares some of the many fascinating stories he has uncovered concerning the people who built and lived in the houses he has researched in the area.
For more on his work, visit his website: www.homehistoryresearch.com.
Registration & Tickets:
• Reserve early, as tour is limited to 30 people
• To register or for more info: info@heritagevancouver.org
• Click here to pay using Paypal or
• Pre-register then arrive by 9:45am and pay before the tour starts

1.00 CPD Learning Units for PIBC Members (Organized/Structured)
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