Upcoming Events
Brent Toderian; Art Deco tour; Christmas Party
Thursday, November 20, 2008 | 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Location: Vancouver Museum, 1100 Chestnut Street
Admission: $5.00; Heritage Vancouver Members free
No pre-registration required
Heritage Vancouver once again welcomes Brent Toderian, Director of Planning for the City of Vancouver to review heritage issue of the past year and look ahead to 2009. We work closely with the City of Vancouver to find solutions for the preservation of our heritage structures and 2008 was no exception. We have been involved in city consultations on EcoDensity and the future of the heritage density bank, we worked with the city to create a future for our historic theatres and we celebrated the news that outriggers were unlikely to be added to the Burrard Bridge.
This evening is your opportunity to participate with Brent in a conversation on an array of heritage topics of special interest to our members. Join us in this stimulating conversation.
Registration is at 7:00pm and the conversation with Brent begins at 7:15pm.

PIBC CPD: 2.25 Organised LUs
Saturday, November 22, 2008 | 1:00pm
Location: Saint James' Church, 303 East Cordova Street
(Meet on the steps of the church)
Admission: By donation, with proceeds going to Saint James Church
Registration is required - info@heritagevancouver.org
Join Heritage Vancouver and the Canadian Art Deco Society for a tour of one of Vancouver's outstanding Art Deco gems, Saint James' Anglican Church. This is the second in a series of exciting Art Deco talks and events leading up to the Tenth World Art Deco Congress in Montreal in 2009. Long time parishioner and an expert on the church's history, Allan Duncan, will guide you through exterior and interior features of this astonishing building.
Located at 303 East Cordova Street, the original church was founded in 1881, and its first site was on Alexander Street near the water. Both church and city burned to the ground in 1886 and the second Saint James' was built at its current location on land donated by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The rebuilding of the church in 1935-36 resulted in its present outstanding Art Deco form.
This was one of the few large-scale construction projects undertaken in Vancouver during the 'Dirty Thirties'. The architect, Sir Adrian Gilbert Scott, was a member of a renowned family of English architects; his father Sir George Gilbert Scott designed the Albert Memorial, and his brother Sir Giles Gilbert Scott was responsible for Liverpool Cathedral, as well as England's familiar red public telephone booths. The Rector of Saint James', Reverend Canon Wilberforce Cooper, was a relative of the Scotts. Adrian Scott had never been to Vancouver, and did not actually visit the site. For this design he chose a free adaptation of Fourteenth century Gothic. The use of monolithic reinforced concrete was not Scott's first choice; originally he would have preferred a brick facing. The provision of a flat ceiling in the crossing was also an economic decision, but one that was highly approved of by the building committee. The raw concrete finish of the church remained unpainted until 1972. Saint James', which has survived in remarkably intact condition, has been designated as a heritage site by the City of Vancouver.
Mark the date for next event in the series: "The Exotic World of Bombay Art Deco" presented by author Navin Ramani, on February 19, 2009.
Thursday, December 4, 2008 | 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Location: Roedde House Museum, 1415 Barclay Street (West End)
You are invited to attend Heritage Vancouver’s Annual Christmas Party at Roedde House Museum. Come and celebrate the season with members, volunteers, donors and friends in this West End historic 1893 house decorated in authentic Victorian style.
Local heritage authors, Chuck Davis, Eve Lazarus and Donald Luxton will have copies of their books for sale; an excellent opportunity to purchase a Christmas gift for that special person. There is no charge, just bring your favourite appetizer or dessert to share.
All previous bulletins can be viewed
from our website at www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins.html
Visit our website at www.heritagevancouver.org