Upcoming Event: Brent Toderian & Heritage
Thursday, November 20, 2008 | 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Location: Vancouver Museum, 1100 Chestnut Street
Admission: $5.00; Heritage Vancouver Members free
No pre-registration required
Heritage Vancouver once again welcomes Brent Toderian, Director of Planning for the City of Vancouver to review heritage issue of the past year and look ahead to 2009. We work closely with the City of Vancouver to find solutions for the preservation of our heritage structures and 2008 was no exception. We have been involved in city consultations on EcoDensity and the future of the heritage density bank, we worked with the city to create a future for our historic theatres and we celebrated the news that outriggers were unlikely to be added to the Burrard Bridge.
This evening is your opportunity to participate with Brent in a conversation on an array of heritage topics of special interest to our members. Join us in this stimulating conversation.
Registration is at 7:00pm and the conversation with Brent begins at 7:15pm.

PIBC CPD: 2.25 Organised LUs
All previous bulletins can be viewed
from our website at www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins.html
Visit our website at www.heritagevancouver.org